Digital consultancy on global issues

Since 2009, Coconets has been specializing on providing decision-makers with knowledge-based strategies and tools that help them find better solutions to complex problems; first and foremost relating to global issues.

Almost since the beginning, Coconets has worked closely with its partner Enlightenment, a digital communication agency.

Interlinking our competencies has further deepened our know-how on creating digital knowledge spaces; and the art of digital content curation, production and communication in particular.

Together, we have worked for and with multilateral organizations (EU, UN), international research consortia, think tanks, foundations, public agencies and ministries, and corporations – increasing the quality, relevance, practical impact and scope of their decisions.

Selected projects | view full project list:

topics covered: femicide, violence against women, UN, femicide data

topics covered: EU and Asia-Pacific, connectivity, security, trade

topics covered: UN, femicide, climate crisis action, SDGs

Selected clients and partners | view full cllients and partners list:

projects: APRAN, successor Knowledge Hub
projects: NFG Asian Perceptions of EU, MAXCAP
projects: APRAN, successor Knowledge Hub

Note: This website is still under construction.